Installment three of this five part comprehensive chronicle of the Barnett Shale exposes the reckless disregard producers have for rules in their quest for profit.
Texas in tug-of-war between valuable resources underground and the people who live above
Another example of reckless disregard rules and safety is when the drilling company dumped their sewage in this sludge pit. Abuses like these are enabled by the Texas Railroad Commission and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality as they provide cover for the industry and endanger citizens.
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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Suzette Watkins says
Who are your elected officials in Austin? Mine are Lon Burnam, Marc Veasey & Wendy Davis (Ft. Worth) We need to stay very connected on what our elected reps do in regards to these issues on a State Level (and a local level). I hope you will include the legislative happenings in 2009 on this blog site and expose the good, bad, strong & weak workings of our "representatives."
TXsharon says
You can be assured that I will stay right on top of our representatives. Yours are much better than mine, except for Kay Granger. Look at the upper left corner of my blog and you will find a search box. Type in Kay Granger and a post titled “Kay Granger thinks we are stupid” should appear.
Suzette Watkins says
I searched and read the post about Kay Granger. It’s all about accountability and it starts with our politicians. Yhea…it’s always interesting to look at donor records isn’t it? You won’t find any big business donations in my campaign finance reports I’m proud to say.
Anonymous says
Make no mistake that the state agencies (RRC and the WCEQ) are in kohouts with the O&G operators in TX! Check it out! Keep up the good work on this site. People need to know what they actually have in the way of state government here in TX.