Show EPA Administrator Dr. Al Armendariz He’s Not Alone
I’m an Armendariz, Are You? |
Dear Sharon,
At the end of April Dr. Al Armendariz, a top EPA official in the South-Central region, resigned after Republicans targeted him for a comment he made two years ago. He said he was going to make examples of companies that violated environmental laws. In other words, he wasn’t going to let oil and gas companies poison our air and water when the law is meant to protect it.
Some of Dr. Al’s supporters have decided to show their support for his work by taking a picture with an “I’m an Armendariz sign.” The sign is based on a quote by Senator Inhofe (R-OK) after he learned that Dr. Al resigned:
“It’s not just Armendariz. There are lots of other Armendarizes around.”
To prove how right the Senator is, is collecting pictures from citizens everywhere who are proudly willing to stand behind a sign that says “I’m an Armendariz.”
We are doing this to show everyone that we are for prosecuting environmental criminals, not intimidating regulators or environmental advocates.
TAKE ACTION: Send in your own picture and let it be known, ‘I’m an Armendariz’!
Thank you!
Sharon Wilson, Gulf Region Organizer.
- Take a picture with an “I’m an Armendariz” sign.
- Send in your picture to
- Visit the website to see other Armendarizes.
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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Bautista says
It seems to me that quite a few people that Obama has put into high-up pnotiisos have been apologizing for things they have said lately especially with the EPA. I believe they are Obama’s policies or these guys wouldn’t be saying them in the first place. Obama knows who these people are and so do we now; that is why they are in the pnotiisos he has them in. We need to ensure that they are no longer in power in November and hopefully undo the damage they have done to our country. SAVE AMERICA! Vote Republican.VN:F [1.9.14_1148](from 0 votes)