Apparently we weren't keeping count very well because we've had 21 earthquakes since October according to this Texas Observer article about the drilling induced earthquakes in Texas.When asked if he was familiar with the New York Times article about … [Read more...]
Earthquakes: Nine Earthquakes Hit Oklahoma in 24 Hours
The earth has been moving for Oklahomans lately too--nine times to be exact.More earthquakes reported in central Oklahoma The survey reports the largest was at 9:09 p.m. Thursday, a 3.7 magnitude earthquake was felt in the same area.Quite a bit of … [Read more...]
Geologist Weighs in on Texas Earthquakes
Star-Telegram Letter to the EditorQuakes explainedAs a practicing geologist with more than 30 years of experience, I am confounded by your articles on the earthquakes occurring in Cleburne and the Mid-Cities. A little homework by Chesapeake Energy … [Read more...]
Not Everyone Buys the Texas Earthquake "Official" Story
Some people aren't buying the official story about the earthquakes. It seems they don't trust Big Gas.Print This ArticleRemember Don Young's rule #1 when you read this article. (Rule #1: Never believe anything gas drillers say. Never.)Keep in mind … [Read more...]
Chesapeake Energy Disposal Well Caused Earthquakes?
As reported in the Wall Street Journal, it may have been a Chesapeake Energy disposal that caused the earthquakes.Chesapeake said it had shut down two disposal wells "as a precautionary measure."The Dallas-Fort Worth area has experienced more than a … [Read more...]
From Earthworks: Hydraulic Fracturing and Earthquakes
Handy dandy Hydraulic Fracturing and Earthquakes guide all in one place.Thanks EW … [Read more...]
Barnett Shale Earthquakes: On ABC World News
Drilling might be culprit behind Texas earthquakesCliff Frohlich, a scientist at the University of Texas and author of "Texas Earthquakes," said he believes more than 20 Texas earthquakes in the past 100 years are related to drilling for petroleum … [Read more...]
Barnett Shale Earthquakes: Yeah, Another One
It's the 7th in Cleburne and about number 20 or so for this area.Remember, when you cash that royalty check that damage, like that $100,000 to the Scouting Museum, from these quakes along with the risk from pipelines will cause your insurance rates … [Read more...]
Barnett Shale Earthquakes: Back to the Cowboy’s Stadium and Environmental Injustice
Environmental Injustice in Barnett Shale: Cowboys Stadium more important than neighborhoodsCliff notes: There is no problem drilling in neighborhoods, but the brakes come on when it comes to the new Cowboys Stadium.Maybe Jerry Jones knows something … [Read more...]
Barnett Shale Earthquakes: Keeping Track
There was another one last Friday night--2.2 magnitude.More than 200 wells have been permitted in the city as part of the Barnett Shale drilling boom in recent years. Geologists have said it’s possible that gas drilling could cause minor quakes, but … [Read more...]
Barnett Shale Earthquakes: Fracking Quakes on Front Page of NY Times
In Switzerland they're fracking for geothermal and it induced more than 3,500 earthquakes!Deep in Bedrock, Clean Energy and Quake FearsAll seemed to be going well — until Dec. 8, 2006, when the project set off an earthquake, shaking and damaging … [Read more...]