In a recent article written by San Antonio Express-News reporter Jennifer Hiller, she poses the question, Is the Eagle Ford oil boom making people sick? The question remains, is it making people sick? Some might be tempted to answer this question … [Read more...]
Fracking kids won’t make your kids proud
Fracking kids Happy holidays. The frackers gave me a present on Christmas Eve. It's rather sad and pathetic. When Dave Quast appeared on the California fracking scene as Senior Director for FTI Consulting, singing the praises of all things … [Read more...]
Another worker death: Fracking fatal vapors
Another worker death from fracking fatal vapors David Simpson died in Oklahoma where the medical examiner listed Simpson's cause of death as unknown but failed to do an autopsy that could have discovered the cause. Simpson was found slumped … [Read more...]
Deadly hydrocarbon fumes and fracking too close to homes
First get some tissues. Next: Read this tragic story about workers killed by deadly hydrocarbon fumes: How shale oil can kill Mike Soraghan, E&E reporter EnergyWire: Monday, September 14, 2015 When Joe Morales found him, Jim Freemyer was … [Read more...]
Eagle Ford Shale fracking video: Silica sand exposure during hydraulic fracturing
Happy Labor Day! This video was filmed in Karnes County Texas on August 24, 2015, at 8:42 PM near the intersection of FM 2102 and FM 626. OSHA has issued a warning that silica sand exposure during hydraulic fracturing is a health hazard to workers. … [Read more...]
Recent fracking news roundup
Recent fracking news roundup all in one place. I can't stay on top of the news like I did in the past because there is too much and I'm way busy. So sometimes I have gather it up and dump it in all at once. This news ain't pretty. Frackquakes When … [Read more...]
Fracking kills babies. There are no mythical economic benefits worth killing our babies. What's Killing the Babies of Vernal, Utah? A fracking boomtown, a spike in stillborn deaths and a gusher of unanswered questions By Paul Solotaroff June … [Read more...]
Fracking Impacts Presented to NATO Parliamentary Assembly
At first, no one in Texas thought fracking was a bad idea. Only after directly experiencing fracking impacts, did minds change. NATO Parliamentary Assembly learns about fracking impacts. In 2013, Deborah Lawrence and I were invited to give … [Read more...]
Several days worth of devastating fracking news
I need to recap the recent bad news for fracking because it's coming fast and furious and I will need to find it later. First, listen to my favorite fracking song. The Trade by Anne Hills. +++ Why the Scientific Case Against Fracking Keeps … [Read more...]
A Medical Perspective on Oil and Gas Development
This is a presentation given in Mansfield, TX by Anne C. Epstein MD, FACP Lubbock TX Board of Health. This presentation clearly shows that fracking is a serious threat to health and should never be in neighborhoods. Health Risks of Oil and … [Read more...]
Fracking emissions bad enough to cause death or severe health impacts
The fact that breathing hydrocarbons can be lethal should not surprise anyone. Breathing hydrocarbons kills babies and adult oilfield workers. What you may not realize is that these same hydrocarbons are in the air venting from the oil and gas … [Read more...]
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