This peer reviewed exploratory study of air quality near oil and gas activities and the resulting health impacts is consistent with the findings in Earthworks health surveys done in Pennsylvania, Pavillion, WY and the case studies from … [Read more...]
New research links health problems with oil and natural gas development
JOINT RELEASE: OCT 18, 2012 CONTACTS: Nadia Steinzor, 315-677-4111, Wilma Subra, 337-367-2216, Calvin Tillman, ShaleTest, 940-453-3640, New research links health problems … [Read more...]
Blame the coffee in your cup not the fracking in your backyard for leukemia
Dear Readers, When I worked at UNT, I did a little demonstration for the department chair to make a point. I wrote on several pieces of paper all the many responsibilities that made up my job. Then I tore the paper so each responsibility was on a … [Read more...]
The Texas Breast Cancer Story is Back
Do you remember the last time we talked about breast cancer rates in Texas? That story is back again. It's getting better. Let's look at this in chronological order. For your convenience, portions are color coded to help you wade thorough it … [Read more...]
About those breast cancer rates in Texas and the AP article
First, please click HERE to go to the Center for Disease Control website titled, Cancer: Addressing the Cancer Burden at a Glance, and scroll down to Texas Cancer Programs. There you should find this: In 2009, data from the registry showed that six … [Read more...]
Cornell paper links fracking and low birth weight
The results of this paper have been confirmed in a more extensive, peer-reviewed study: Proximity to fracking more than doubles odds of low birth weight babies. A Cornell doctoral student has displayed extraordinary courage by taking a huge risk … [Read more...]
Physicians find increase in lesions that won’t heal near gas drilling and fracking
I know several people in the Barnett Shale area who have experienced this problem. New research on the air quality around natural gas wells provides additional evidence and controversy about the possible health effects from hydraulic fracturing or … [Read more...]
New study: Tiny doses of chemicals used in drilling and fracking have big health effects
This is not news to those of us who live in the gas patch. Tiny Doses of Gas Drilling Chemicals May Have Big Health Effects Authors of new study encourage more low-dose testing of endocrine-disrupting chemicals, with implications for the debate … [Read more...]
Emerging concern: Are Gas Patch residents at greater risk of heart attack?
A new study in the Journal of the American Medical Association confirms that exposure to "air pollutants--in some cases for a single day--increases the chance" of heart attack. Scientists now know that it is the heart rather than the lungs that is … [Read more...]
Cancer Clusters found near pipelines
The Germans are finding cancer clusters near pipelines that carry flowback and produced water. I strongly suggest you watch this video. For those who can't watch videos on their computers, here are the Cliff Notes. In the middle of the … [Read more...]
Fracking Tourettes’?
This is tragic. It's not Tourettes' but it's a Tourettes' like malady. Sorry, but putting a gas well near schools is criminal. … [Read more...]