Wilma Subra is a MacAuthur (Genius) Award winning chemist.
Evaluation of Town of DISH, Texas Ambient Air Monitoring Analysis
by Wilma Subra
Wolf Eagle Environmental sampled the ambient air in the Town of DISH, Texas at seven locations on August 17 to 18, 2009. The air sampled was analyzed for Volatile Organic Chemicals, Hazardous Air Pollutants, Tentatively Identified Compounds and NOX.
In the conclusion section of the report, Wolf Eagle stated
“Air analysis in the Town of DISH confirmed the presence in high concentrations of carcinogenic and neurotoxin compounds in ambient air near and/or on residential properties.” The report further indicated that many of the compounds in the air exceeded the Short-term and Long-term Effects Screening Levels (ESLs) according to Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) regulations.
The following is a compilation of the analytical results based on individual sampling locations.
The sample locations with the highest chemical concentrations and most chemicals present in concentrations exceeding TCEQ Short-term and Long-term Effects Screening Levels were
9203 Chisum – behind white barn 5 ft. and Airfield – corner SE.
The air sample from 9203 Chisum – behind white barn 5 ft. contained 10 chemicals that exceeded the TCEQ ESLs. Benzene, a known human cancer causing agent, was present in the second highest concentration of all stations sampled. The concentration of Benzene in the air exceeded the Long-term ESL by 8.7 times the standard. Carbon Disulfide was present in a concentration that exceeded the Short-term (10.7 times) and Long-term (107 times) ESLs by the largest factor of any of the chemicals detected at this station. 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene was detected in the air at this station in the highest concentration of any station sampled. Xylenes (m & p), a neurotoxin, exceeded the Long-term ESl by a factor of 1.1 times. Naphthalene, a potential human carcinogen, exceeded the long-term ESL by a factor of 3.6 times. The other chemicals in the air at this station that exceeded the Short-term and Long-term ESLs were Carbonyl Sulfide (exceeded Long-term ESL), Trimethyl Benzene (exceeded Short-term and Long-term ESLs), and Diethyl Benzene, Methyl-methylethyl Benzene, and Tetramethyl Benzene (exceeded the Long-term ESLs).
The air sample from the Air Field – corner SE contained 8 chemicals that exceeded the TCEQ ESLs. Benzene, a known human cancer causing agent, was present in the highest concentration of all stations sampled. The concentration of Benzene in the air exceeded the Short-term ESL by 1.45 times and the Long-term ESL by 55 times the standard. The Benzene concentration at this sample location was more than 6 times the next highest benzene concentration (at 9203 Chisum). Xylenes (m & p), a neurotoxin, was present in the highest concentration of all stations sampled and exceeded the Long-term ESL by 2 times. Carbon Disulfide was present in a concentration that exceeded the Short-term (28 times) and Long-term (101 times) ESLs by the largest factor of any of the chemicals detected at this station. Methyl Pyridine and Dimethyl Pyridine, possible carcinogens, exceeded Short-term and Long-term ESLs. The other chemicals in the air at this location that exceeded Long-term ESLs were 1,2,4-Trimethyl Benzene, Carbonyl Sulfide, and Trimethyl Benzene.
The third highest ranking sample location was 9213 Chisum – 20 feet off property line and contained 5 chemicals that exceeded the TCEQ ESLs. Benzene, a known human cancer causing agent, was present in the third highest concentration of all stations sampled. Benzene in the air exceeded the Long-term ESL by a factor of 7.6 times. Dimethyl Disulfide was present in a concentration that exceeded the Short-term (38 times) and Long-term (384 times) ESLs by the largest factors of any of the chemicals detected at this station. Methyl Ethyl Disulphide and Ethyl Methylethyl Disulfide exceeded the Short-term and Long-term ESLs. Trimethyl Benzene exceeded the Long-term ESL.
The sample location Airfield – off yellow barn and rock rd.
contained three chemicals that exceeded the TCEQ ESLs. Dimethyl Sulfide was present in a concentration that exceeded the Short-term (3.7 times) and Long-term (37.5 times) ESLs by the largest factors of any of the chemicals detected at this station. Carbonyl Sulfide and Carbonyl Disulfide exceeded the Long-term ESLs.
The sample location Burgess Horse Ranch W. Prop. Line
contained one chemical that exceeded the TCEQ ESLs. Dimethyl Disulfide exceeded the Short-term (10 times) and Long-term (101 times) ESLs.
The sample locations 9217 Chisum – 20 ft. off property line s and Guthries Property W Prop Line by Pond contain
5 and 7 chemicals, respectively. None of the chemicals at either station location exceeded the TCEQ ESLs.
Benzene, a known human cancer causing agent, was detected at all 7 sample locations. Three sample locations exceeded TCEQ ESLs and four stations had concentrations of Benzene below TCEQ ESLs. Xylene (m & p) were detected at all 7 sample locations. Two sample locations exceeded TCEQ ESLs and five sample locations had concentrations of Xylene below TCEQ ESLs. Toluene was present at all 7 sample locations but the concentrations were below the TCEQ ESLs at each sample locations. These chemicals, Benzene, Toluene and Xylene, are the volatile organic compounds most associated with oil and gas activities.
The results of the ambient air testing in DISH detected a total of 16 volatile organic chemicals that exceeded TCEQ ESLs. The concentrations of the chemicals in the air were compared to the TCEQ ESLs and 5 of the sample locations had chemicals in concentrations that exceeded TCEQ ESLs. Sample location 9203 Chisum – behind white barn 5 ft had 10 chemicals detected in excess of ESLs and Airfield – corner SE had 8 chemicals detected in excess of ESLs. The cumulative effects of multiple chemicals in the ambient air at concentrations in excess of ESLs has not been evaluated.
The data from the report should be used to educate community members living in the area with the highest concentrations of chemicals and chemicals in excess of TCEQ ESLs in the air they are being exposed to.
Additional information provided by Subra: The concentration in the air exceed both short term and long term values. The concentrations not only exceed the standards but exceed the standards by a large amount. The concern is for both short term and long term health.
Acute impacts to health will occur with these concentrations of chemicals in the air. The cancer and neurotoxins will also have an impact over the long term.
TXsharon comment:
The DISH study can be compared to any area in the Barnett Shale with drilling activity. The same chemicals will be present.
Other blogs that picked this up:
This Could Happen or [is] Happening to us in MI- Open your EYES
Fort Worth Weekly’s Blotch: Just Because It Looks Beautiful Outside…
Star-Telegram: Study shows high level of potentially toxic air pollution in DISH
Star-Telegraph Blog: S.O.S
More concrete evidence on hazardous air pollution generated in communities by oil and gas production
Earlier this year I wrote about a study that looked at air emissions in six counties in the Barnett shale region, including the county where DISH is located. This study by a professor at Southern Methodist University found that natural gas drilling in the region is generating considerable emissions of air toxic compounds like benzene and formaldehyde. The study also concluded that cost effective air pollution control strategies are readily available “off-the-shelf,” can substantially reduce emissions and can reduce costs for oil and gas operators due to a resulting increased production of natural gas and condensate.
Unfortunately, the Clean Air Act has special loopholes for the oil and gas industry. These loopholes allow the industry to emit hazardous air pollutants known to be harmful to human health when other industries are prohibited from doing so. It is time to close these loopholes and protect communities around the country.
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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Anonymous says
Still trying to download and study entire report. But, so far, very, very impressive. It will proably be very hard, if not impossible to refute. This kind of report just identifies and quantifies the obvious in a stinking sour gas field in TX. We need help from the FEDS in order to be able to Live On the Land here in Tx.
TXsharon says
State regulators are nothing but paid protectors! We need some help from the FEDS in so many ways.
TXsharon says
…and they want to sell us on natural gas as a bridge fuel?
Anonymous says
we pay taxes and elect people who are supposed to protect our interest but instead they always put corporations and profit first. this is appalling.
Anonymous says
Bridge Fuel–my a**! Natural gas is nothing but another dirty 'ole fossil fuel. Stinks like hell when you live around where it's being pruduced!
Anonymous says
Stinks like hell, makes you sick and die.
Anonymous says
If it's in the air…it's in the water. What's left of it anyway.
Jaime Long says
Once again the facts are there and we need to get really mad and take this and run with it. if It is to you it has to be happening alot more places!
Anonymous says
If you are really upset about this, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Many of us are trying to fight back, but sadly, most of you just cover your eyes and ears, until it happens to you.
Who puts up the Millions of Dollars to het these officials elected? Next November, Vote NO to all Incumbants on the ballots.
Dick Ross
Itasca, Texas
PS Sharon, What will the mayor do with this new information now?
TXsharon says
Never vote no on all incumbents! What would we do without people like Lon Burnam?
Before you vote, check the candidates' SCORECARD check their voting records. Please don't throw out the good ones!
If you're in Wise County, there aren't any good ones.
TXsharon says
We needed to get an expert to interpret the results. I sent it to Dr. Theo Colborn too so maybe she will provide a comment. I sent to local and national media. Some have confirmed they will cover it and some are considering it.
Calvin is having a meeting in DISH, Texas on October 12 at 7:00 PM. It would be great if you could come.
Ward in the Woods says
Bet there will be SRO at that
meeting.Good luck Calvin,good
luck to us all.
Anonymous says
I've contacted all of my Representatives. NONE of them have replied!! They don't care! I'm voting them out!
Dick Ross
TXsharon says
Yeah, Dick, in your case they should be tarred, feathered and run out on a rail. That's the way most of the reps in Texas are. But we also have a few very good ones who have remained loyal to the people in a climate where they were viewed as traitors by their peers.
We seriously need new leaders in the statewide offices. All our statewide offices are held by paid industry protectors–ALL OF THEM.
TXsharon says
Oh, and our US Senators… Cornyn wrote me about the FRAC Act and quoted the EPA study that has been thoroughly exposed as bogus.
Why Texans continue to vote these same people into office, I'll never understand. They call themselves "values voters." I guess they value cheaters and liers, dirty water and air…
Anonymous says
The people that do vote,(The majority of them, Not All) do not read about the issues,just like our Representatives, DON'T READ THE BILLS THEY VOTE ON. It is JUST EASIER TO VOTE A STRAIGHT TICKET so they can say they voted.
When we vote on things that we know nothing about,is how we end up in this MESS!!
TXsharon says
Trust me, I KNOW! I have worked on the campaigns of some great candidates that couldn't get elected. Texas is a den of snakes!
Most people have absolutely NO CLUE what a Railroad Commissioner does or how very important those positions are to Texans.
Aw well, blah, blah, blah… I wish I knew how to change it. Maybe if enough people get cancer from polluted water and air they will start paying more attention instead of going to Wal-Mart and buying cheap plastic crap made by salve wages in China or watching reality shows.
Get a good water filter, Dick.
Anonymous says
I also have a policy–if they're in–then they're OUT! Now if you know of some rare case in Tx where there is a good politician, then vote him/her in–but that is a VERY rare exception! Also, if unopposed, don't vote for that person. Let 'em win by say 1 dozen votes!! At least a message will be sent!
TXsharon says
Anonymous 9:36
You are dead wrong in your voting policy!!!!! You punish good representatives who are sincerely working to make things better for people like us.
Your voting policy is IGNORANT, LAZY and just flat DANGEROUS! And it's one reason we are in this mess!
The ONLY way to be a responsible voter is to check the voting record, campaign finance reports and be fully informed on the issues. It's a lot of work.