Flower Mound to Big Gas: Get outta town! And take your CCF with you!
The people have spoken!
Always remember that industry may have deep pockets and they may pump millions into our elections but WE THE PEOPLE have the vote.
As I’ve mentioned before, Williams knows how to Drill-Right because they use best practices in other states.
Argyle – Bartonville Communities Alliance hands Williams solution to prevent DISH II
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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Anonymous says
Take-away message for Williams and any other elected official who
thinks their plans are politically viable —
Ding, dong, CCF is DEAD.
Back to the drawing room boys, because the elected officials CANNOT
deliver this for you. That's what happens when you try to "re-zone"
cities for your company's use.
Tim Ruggiero says
Congratulations Madame Mayor Northern! Money doesn't vote, people do, and the people's choice is clear…and soon so will be the air, the water……
Tim Ruggiero says
Congratulations Madame Mayor Northern. Williams thought they could buy this election, but money doesn't vote-people do, and their choice is clear. So soon will be the air, the water…..
Anonymous says
This ones for Tim, In the infamous words of ARUBA Mr. Dixon, Mr. Wallace —- You're next!
Anonymous says
Jody get out! And take your nasty buddies with you. Mr. Wallace, we the people hear your request. Unlike you and Jody, we listened and will not disappoint!
Anonymous says
Can't wait to hear how Will and Gene try to spin this one……let me guess, 60% of the population in Flower Mound are now "wackos", right?
Tim Ruggiero says
As well as a few people outside FM – If taking an active interest in the protection of our children's health and our property makes me a 'whacko', then that would be a step up in name calling for the Drill Stupids like Shiloh.
I still want to see full disclosure on all the money- and where it came from in the FM Mayoral campaign. Not that we all don't it came from Williams, but it still needs to be outed nonetheless.
greenfrog says
Congratulations to the N F L team. The drilling operators need to listen to our state song,
The Texas State Song: "Texas, Our Texas" The key word here is "Our" This is our home & we will not rest in our endeavors to protect it. We put our homes, families & safety above money. The Flower Mound victory is a victory for all, well done friends! Jana DeGrand