Whether it’s a kitchen window in the Barnett Shale or a backdoor in the Eagle Ford Shale, the experience is the same: foul odors, dust, noise, glaring lights, diminished quality of life and lost health.
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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pak152 says
would love to see this out my back window cuz I would know that royalty checks would soon be filling my bank accounts.
Fracking Crazy says
Don’t worry Pak152; you would not be able to pay for your air testing, or your medical bills with the lousy amount of money you will be getting in royalties.
Lessons learned on the Barnett.
TXsharon says
Actually, the family that lives there cannot pay the medical bills with their royalties. They said they would rather have their health back than the royalties.
Tim Ruggiero says
Actually, Pak, odds are real good if you did happen to see this out your back window, you wouldn’t be getting any mailbox money. That’s for mineral right owners, not property owners, and we all know that the vast majority of the mineral right owners don’t live anywhere near this crap.
Ben says
Definitely true in Texas, not sure about the rest of the country. Did you know in Louisiana if you don’t have any production for 10 years the reservation goes away? Would certainly make my job easier!
Anymous says
Sounds like Pak152 above = landman!
So, Pak, how close to any of this crap do you live by NOW, or ever have?????
WCGasette says
In city neighborhoods all across North Texas, these rigs are so close to many back fences. Highway traffic nearby compounds all the pollution. Neighbors discuss quietly that the air smells funny…more than it ever did before. But they decide to just stay indoors, use air filters, believe this is their patriotic duty and wait for their check to arrive. Then they make believe they are millionaires. They appreciate the $62 royalty check about once a year. It’s great.
WCGasette recently posted..Energy Security from Shale Gas? Think Again…With Dr. Anthony Ingraffea