Tuesday March 16thYour Last Chance for Clean AirWe URGENTLY Need Your Presence atA Public HearingSupport EPA’s proposed stronger ozone standardsEPA Region VI Administrator, Dr. Armendariz has agreed to open the hearing at 3 pm in Arlington and give a … [Read more...]
EPA: Energy Extraction target of National Enforcement Initiative
Assuring Energy Extraction Sector Compliance with Environmental LawsAs the nation expands its search for new forms and sources of energy, there is an urgent need to assure that we develop “clean energy” sources that protect our air, water and land. … [Read more...]
Benzene in Denton Creek Watershed from Aruba Petroleum Barnett Shale Gas Well
The pictures in the following video were taken at an Aruba Petroleum Barnett Shale gas well.Tests show the following chemicals:TCEQ says to call TRC.TRC says to call TCEQ.SOS to EPA! … [Read more...]
NPR report on Texas air
Gov. Rick Perry To EPA: Don't Mess With Texas"There's no doubt in my mind or at any of the leadership in EPA," Armendariz says, "That the way the air programs have been run in the state of Texas for the last 15 years is gonna end, and it's gonna end … [Read more...]
TX State Climatologist: Rick Perry full of hot air
Three names Texans should remember:1. Governor Rick Perry2. Attorney General Greg Abbott3. Agriculture Commissioner Todd StaplesThey filed suite against the EPA to keep Toxic Texas airToday the Texas State Climatologist said they are full of hot … [Read more...]
Help the EPA clean up the Barnett Shale
Here is your chance to make a difference in the Barnett Shale and in all areas suffering from the impacts of methane extraction. Your comments as instructed below are vital to this conversation The Honorable Wendy DavisP.O. Box 12068Capitol … [Read more...]
Gov. Perry files suit to keep Toxic Texas air
Three names to remember:Governor Rick PerryAttorney General Greg AbbottAgriculture Commissioner Todd StaplesToday these three gambled with the health of Texans to pull a political stunt. They filed a lawsuit against challenging the Environmental … [Read more...]
To: Steve Heare, director of EPA’s Drinking Water Protection Division
Dear Steve,I just read an article where you made the following statement in regards to state regulation of hydraulic fracturing:“I have no information that states aren’t doing a good job alreadyI'll let PA and CO with all their flammable water speak … [Read more...]
EPA responds to comment
It's not too late to send your comments to the EPA! All the information you need is HERE.The EPA is listening and responding to comments.Thank you for your email expressing your concerns regarding natural gas exploration. The EPA has taken a very … [Read more...]
EPA Director: New rules coming for Barnett Shale operators
Director: EPA has eyes on drillingSunday, February 7, 2010By Peggy Heinkel-Wolfe“The agency is completely different than it was a year ago,” Armendariz told a crowd of about 250 area activists and political leaders, who broke into applause at the … [Read more...]
PHOTO: Dr. Armendariz sworn in as EPA Region 5 Administrator
I wanted to be there but couldn't so my friend sent me this photo. … [Read more...]